Hello friends! Today is a very important, interesting day. But it’s far from key. There is still a long way ahead. But I have confidence that we will go through this path with most of you together.
I don’t really want to interfere with your ability to build your own impression of the announcement. Therefore, I will be rather laconic and add only a few comments.
I remind you that everything we do is free of charge. Our only interest is building a new world. I cannot guarantee that this will work. But we, for our part, will do everything possible to make the dream a reality. Today’s announcement is only a small part of what we are preparing. But this is the foundation on which our vision will be built. Decentralization is closer than it seems.
The current situation in the world shows that more and more people are ready for change. The infringement of freedom is already happening in the open. If you want to change the world, join us.
All official information, whitepaper, etc. will be available in a few days. Today, just get emotions. I hope you enjoy this start. I remind you that you can use absolutely everything from pictures to text for any purpose. Everything that we do belongs to humanity, there are no restrictions on use and there will not be.
My short comments:

1) Sanshinft.com — This is a project that will be the key to many doors in the ecosystem. Your task will be to ensure that FREEMINT is successful. It is very important that all 5,000 NFTs find their owners. I’m sure you can handle it. We can help, but I really want you to come together and do it yourself. Show the power of the community.
By clicking on the MINT button you will be taken to the site. There is a timer, at the end mint will start automatically.
In the near future, we will tell you more about UTILITY and VALUE.

2) Tailsmania.com is the soul. The world’s first kids friendly project. But that doesn’t mean it’s made just for kids. Adults will get the same huge amount of emotions.
Beta testing of the game will start soon. We will select a few people from the community who will be able to take part in it. Expect small announcements in the near future. In 1.5 years, $TAIL will become a completely independent token. This will be the first project created with the help of $SANI and the community. While everyone is creating meaningless speculative tokens for the ecosystem, we are trying to give value to every element. Value in everything.

3) TheSakura.io is something special. Sakura will enable ordinary people to use new technologies with ease. At the same time, we will try to replace centralized counterparts with decentralized ones. Quite a difficult task. But if you’re trying to do something special, you have to set big goals. Wait for the official description of the project. Everything will be detailed there.
Sanin Smart Coin is a device that will bring decentralization to the real world. In addition to being able to pay, you will be able to verify ownership of your wallet in the real world. This will open up huge opportunities. From the integration of discount programs into the blockchain, to the signing of documents with fixation in the blockchain. A world that cannot be faked. While everyone is doing the metaverse, we are bringing the blockchain IRL.
Development has been going on for a long time, there are external factors that affect the implementation of the project. The faster $ETH develops, the faster the project will be implemented. Creating a new one is hard, copying is always easier, but can copying work?

4) SaninInu.com (Clear Cache) — A new look that reflects our vision. Set big goals.
5)ZEN GAME — I really want, but I can’t yet. Trust me, it will be big.
I want to make it clear that this announcement is being made because we are confident that no one will be able to catch up with us. A great job has been done. All projects are interconnected, but at the same time have their own value. Sanin Inu.
I encourage you to actively share your thoughts and suggestions. It is very important.
You can really influence the course of development. The base is almost ready.
And don’t forget. Sanin inu is an experiment in decentralization. We encourage all developers to participate in the construction of a new world. Realize yourself on the basis of Sanin Inu. This is the strongest community for this period of time.
With love, Kirllos.